SIFF Twofer: Landline/A Ghost Story

It’s been about a week since The Seattle International Film Festival came to a close, and much like every year, it seemed to go by far too quickly for me to see as many films as I would’ve liked. But that said, I still feel pretty good about my festival experience this year, since the two films I did choose to see, Landline and A Ghost Story, are pretty darn good. Granted, they’re a bit more mainstream, Hollywood-ish affairs than an audience-fueled film festival like SIFF caters to. But they’re still reminders of the unique voices American independent film still has to offer, and I’m guessing both will be in proper theaters in about a month or so.

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Rokk Talk Ep. 09: Live Forever

Maybe I don’t really wanna know, how your garden grows cos I just want to listen to Rokk Talk. Some pretty interesting things have been going on across the pond, lately. So let’s roll back to a simpler time… the 90s! Listen as John and Colin reassess the biggest Britpop bands of the time. Who knows what they will uncover? “Just because you sell lots of records it doesn’t mean to say you’re any good. Look at Phil Collins.” Bless you, Noel Gallagher.

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Make a Hawk a Dove, Stop a War with Love

Wonder Woman

Can one person change the world? In a universe with super heroes, at least, the answer should definitely be yes. But it is often the case that movies only focus on showing their stars stopping street-level crime and exaggerated, world-ending plots from their archenemies. So the Avengers close the Chitauri wormhole, Ant-Man kills Yellowjacket, Batman watches hopefully as two ferries don’t blow up… And for the regular people, life goes on. Most of the time, instead of saving the world heroes just preserve the status quo. Which is why Wonder Woman is such a welcome reminder of why these stories are supposed to be inspiring in the first place.
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Good Guys Wear Black

The Mountain Goats – Goths

I can’t speak for how everyone else has been dealing with 2017 so far, but for me I feel like a big part of it has been knowing when and when not to recede into one’s self. It can be hard to want to leave the house or engage with the world and what’s happening out there, and so a lot of times it feels right to just stay inside, put on some music and, you know, brood. And since I’m guessing you’ve already read what the title of this album is, you can probably see where I’m going with this. Continue reading