Roland Emmerich has blown up the White House (twice!), ravaged Earth (twice!), and unleashed a giant lizard on Manhattan (once, that we know of). But Universal Soldier is where his road to action movie immortality started, by making a movie about PTSD-laden super soldiers trying to blow up each other. This all intersects with Emmerich’s Midway hitting theaters today, as well as Terminator: Dark Fate currently underperforming at the box office. As we’ll discuss, it turns out Universal Soldier is a pretty big knock-off of Terminator 2, but also pulls from many other action blockbusters that reigned over the movie landscape in the ’80s and ’90s.
John’s Little Pick: The Lighthouse (Movie)
Colin’s Little Pick: Unbelievable (TV Show)
Sean’s Little Pick: Watchmen (TV Show)
– The sweet video to Body Count’s “Body Count’s In The House” From the Universal Soldier Original Soundtrack.