Some Kind of Movie – Ep. 10: America’s Ass

Good storytelling does not rely on twists. It needs to be more than “what’s going to happen next?” If you’ve done it well, your story should stand up to a second viewing. Case in point: I’m desperate to see Avengers: Endgame again, but in no hurry to revisit Sunday’s genuinely thrilling, climactic episode of Game of Thrones any time soon. But don’t ignore the value of being surprised. That is a fun part of the experience too, and one of the reasons a trip to the cinema is still something special. All of this is to say, we’ve got a four-man spoiler-filled discussion of Endgame for you right here, ready to go. You should probably see the movie first. Everybody else did.

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Some Kind of Movie – Ep. 9: Why is Gamora?

When the first trailer for Avengers: Infinity War came out, on top of my excitement I had one nagging thought: “This looks like the biggest movie ever… Until the next one.” Six years ago, when the first Avengers movie came out, it felt like a culmination of years of movies – all that lead-up was finally paying off. It was an experiment in blockbuster moviemaking hitherto undreamt of, and it was amazing. But then it kept going. Phase 2 came and went, with its Avengers movie not seeming nearly the same event, especially since the Guardians of the Galaxy was a more exciting team. It seemed like things could go on forever. But Marvel is smart, and now that we’re here again, they’re playing for keeps.

It’s comforting and exciting that Avengers: Infinity War positions itself as the setup for the grand finale of the MCU next year. It’s a movie that tries to pull in just about every character, weapon, and setting that’s still standing in this massive universe. With a scope this vast, you can’t help but marvel at how well everything turned out. It has to be seen to be believed. So do that, then join us on a spoiler-filled discussion of what is destined to be one of the biggest movies of ever. And yet, I still worry, what’s next?

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Some Kind of Movie – Ep. 8: The Spark That Will Light the Fire

Now that The Last Jedi has been out for a week and everyone’s had time to make their mind up, why not listen to us gush about it? Seeing as it has the most bizarre division between critics and the fanbase in Star Wars history, we try to unpack why Episode VIII is so controversial. But mostly we just scream over each other about how much we liked it and how sad it is that Carrie Fisher is gone. Fair warning though, there are spoilers ahead for those who dare listen.

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Some Kind of Movie – Ep. 7: Don’t Choke on Your Aspirations

What will you do when they catch you? What will you do if they break you? If you continue to fight, what will you become? A listener of Some Kind of Movie, of course! We’re back to talk about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, the ninth film in the franchise to get a theatrical release, and the first of Disney’s off-year anthology initiative. Is it good? Is it fun? Is it ethically sound? We try to answer these questions but mostly try not to be boring. Check it out, and may the force be with you, always.

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Some Kind of Movie – Ep. 6: That’s Not How the Force Works!

We good on spoilers now? It’s a new year, you’ve had two whole weeks to go see the new Star Wars movie and forget about it, along with everything else, in a wonderful night of drinking. Let us help you remember The Force Awakens as we talk about the things that worked, the things that didn’t work, and try to figure out exactly what kind of movie it is. That’s the point of these rare Some Kind of Movie episodes, after all. And just to be clear: we’re not trying to spoil anything for you, but we are talking about the plot of this movie in detail. We are operating under the assumption you’ve seen this movie. If you haven’t, go see it first. Everyone else did. Do you really wanna be the only one who didn’t? Is that the reason you want people to think you’re special for? That’s a lame reason. Learn to play the piano or something. Don’t define yourself be the experiences you avoided.

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Some Kind of Movie – Ep. 5: Size Does Matter

The new Godzilla was not very original when it picked its name, but does the rest of the movie suffer from that same laziness. Find out by listening to this, the fifth episode of Some Kind of Movie. Seems like it would be higher, doesn’t it? It’s been a long time since we did one of these long-form movie review podcasts, the last one was for The Man of Steel. So yeah, this is better than that. Just be sure to see the movie before you listen to this, because we do spoil it. Unless it was already spoiled?!

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Some Kind of Movie – Ep. 4: You’ll Believe a Man Can Cry

Supes. The Big Blue Boy Scout. The Last Son of Krypton. The Man of Tomorrow. The Metropolis Kid. The Man of Steel. There were a lot of options to with when titling the new Superman movie, based on the trend of using nicknames instead of actual names for DC films. They went with probably the most recognizable one, although it’s also the one that gave us a certain super hero famously played by Shaq. We talk about Man of Steel on this week’s show, which is coming at you faster than a speeding bullet. Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a podcast!

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