in Criterion Month, Podcast

An event is coming! Another event is coming! Summer is here and we all know what that means: Blockbuster movies. 2017 has more franchise and sequel flicks coming out than any other year in history, so we thought we’d celebrate that absolute glut of cinema by actually celebrating the highest achievers in the medium. So, this July, be on the lookout for 30 reviews of 30 films by 29 directors from the Criterion Collection. We’re so excited about the foreign, silent, and black and white films that will be dropping on you that we even had to do a draft so we could each claim the reviews we wanted to do. Check out the podcast, the tentative schedule is after the break.

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Author Day July Movie Director Year
Colin Saturday 1 Safety Last! Fred C. Newmeyer
Sam Taylor
Colin Sunday 2 The Passion of Joan of Arc Carl Theodor Dreyer 1928
John Monday 3 Umberto D. Vittorio De Sica 1952
Colin Tuesday 4 Tokyo Story Yasujirō Ozu 1953
John Wednesday 5 The Wages of Fear Henri-Georges Clouzot 1953
Sean Thursday 6 Rififi Jules Dassin 1955
Sean Friday 7 Paths of Glory Stanley Kubrick 1957
Colin Saturday 8 L’Avventura Michelangelo Antonioni 1960
Colin Sunday 9 One-Eyed Jacks Marlon Brando 1961
Sean Monday 10 Jules and Jim François Truffaut 1962
Sean Tuesday 11 Federico Fellini 1963
Colin Wednesday 12 The Naked Kiss Samuel Fuller 1964
John Thursday 13 Au Hasard Balthazar Robert Bresson 1966
John Friday 14 The Face of Another Hiroshi Teshigahara 1966
Sean Saturday 15 Le Samouraï Jean-Pierre Melville 1967
Colin Sunday 16 Beyond the Valley of the Dolls Russ Meyer 1970
John Monday 17 Two-Lane Blacktop Monte Hellman 1971
Sean Tuesday 18 Solaris Andrei Tarkovsky 1972
John Wednesday 19 The Spirit of the Beehive Víctor Erice 1973
Colin Thursday 20 Ali: Fear Eats the Soul Rainer Werner Fassbinder 1974
Sean Friday 21 All That Jazz Bob Fosse 1979
John Saturday 22 Thief Michael Mann 1981
Sean Sunday 23 My Dinner with André Louis Malle 1981
John Monday 24 Paris, Texas Wim Wenders 1984
Sean Tuesday 25 Tampopo Juzo Itami 1985
John Wednesday 26 Close-Up Abbas Kiarostami 1990
Sean Thursday 27 Three Colors: Blue Krzysztof Kieślowski 1993
Colin Friday 28 Three Colours: Red Krzysztof Kieślowski 1994
John Saturday 29 In the Mood for Love Wong Kar-wai 2000
Colin Sunday 30 Yi Yi Edward Yang 2000
??? Monday 31 ??? ??? ???