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Can you feel it in the air, when the music’s playing? People everywhere are saying franchises, franchises. This year was and will go on to be one of the biggest franchise years ever, with Jurassic World making all the money, Marvel putting out a hit and a half, Terminator, Mad Max, and a million other things. But which movie franchises are the best? No one knows, but here are our favorites, in on nice 2 hour conversation.

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[toggle title_open=”Spoiled!” title_closed=”Spoilers!” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]10. Harry Potter
9. Mad Max
8. Lethal Weapon
7. The Fast and the Furious
6. The Marvel Cinematic Universe
5. The Lord of the Rings
4. Rocky
3. Batman
2. James Bond 007
1. Star Wars

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