in Podcast

It’s a tradition older than the royal baby, the PlayStation 4, and SnapChat. More respectable than Duck Dynasty, Paula Deen, and probably some not racist things too. That’s right, it’s the Mildly Pleased Awards, America’s chance to look back at a year of mediocrity. Even though 2013 seems to have been particularly grueling and painful to get through, it’s easy to get lost in all the bad shit. Or in all the really great shit. But what about the day-to-day, you know? Life’s not all peaks and valleys, sometimes it just is, you dig? Like Tony Shalhoub said, in his immortal role as Tech Sgt. Chen in Galaxy Quest, “It’s the simple things in life you treasure.” And these are some simple-ass things.

Check out our nominees for best viral video of the year after the break!

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[toggle title_open=”Spoiled!” title_closed=”Spoilers!” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]Most Mildly Pleasing Game of 2013

Most Mildly Pleasing Viral Video of 2013
Star Spangled Banner Fail

Most Mildly Pleasing Event of 2013
New video game consoles

Most Mildly Pleasing TV Show of 2013

Most Mildly Pleasing Album of 2013
Arcade Fire – Reflektor

Most Mildly Pleasing Song of 2013
Macklemore & Ryan Lewis – “Can’t Hold Us”

Lifetime Achievement in Mild Pleasure
Paul Walker

Most Mildly Pleasing Actress of 2013
Melissa McCarthy (The Heat)

Most Mildly Pleasing Actor of 2013
Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Don Jon)

Most Mildly Pleasing Movie of 2013
Star Trek Into Darkness