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When you were a little kid, did you ever imagine you got to join your favorite characters on their adventures? Obi Wan would teach you in the ways of the force, maybe, or Indiana Jones would need your help to secure a precious artifact, for example. Well, the filmmakers behind those films thought you had those fantasies, at least. That’s why they wrote little kids into the later movies in those storied franchises. The problem is, often the resulting characters were more annoying than anything else. That’s why this week we decided to count down our bottom 10 kids in film. It’s totally wizard!

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[toggle title_open=”Spoiled!” title_closed=”Spoilers!” hide=”yes” border=”yes” style=”default” excerpt_length=”0″ read_more_text=”Read More” read_less_text=”Read Less” include_excerpt_html=”no”]10. John Connor (Terminator 2)
9. The Goonies (The Goonies)
8. Tim & Lex (Jurassic Park)
7. Rachel ((500) Days of Summer)
6. Ray (Jerry Maguire)
5. Joey (Shane)
4. The Bears (Bad News Bears (2005))
3. Short Round (Temple of Doom)
2. Rachel (War of the Worlds)
1. Anakin (The Phantom Menace)

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