As you may or may not know, this week, and today in particular, is noteworthy for one reason, and one reason only: Harmonix ceasing to put out Rock Band DLC. They’ve put out new songs for the franchise every week since November 2007, that’s over five years ago for those of you who are bad at estimating time periods, or 281 weeks for those of you that demand precision. We’re all (or at least three quarters of us) big fans of this series, and, though it had to happen and even we were beginning to run out of steam, it’s still hard to say goodbye.
Harmonix announced that the last song they’d put out would be “American Pie” during the last week, and after nothing but Rock Band Blitz rereleases for a while, it seemed like that would be the last original track the game would ever see. But they shocked the world, or more likely me and a couple other dudes, when they announced “American Pie” would be just one part of the “So Long Pack,” a collection of long songs which is the most eclectic and exciting DLC for the series in a while… Maybe ever.
Enough dicking around it, here are the songs:
- Don McLean – “American Pie”
- Neil Yong – “Cowgirl in the Sand”
- Focus – “Hocus Pocus”
- Television – “Marquee Moon”
- Guns N’ Roses – “Paradise City”
- Black Sabbath – “Warning”
This is awesome. I know John and I have always wanted “Hocus Pocus” in the game, and even though I wouldn’t particularly call it a long song, I’m glad it squeaked in there under the wire. Check out the trailer after the break!
Yeah, I know, not my best April Fools, cause it’s kind of just sad. I’m gonna miss you Rock Band, and I wasn’t going to skip my last opportunity to write about you. Here’s hoping music games find a way to survive on the next generation of consoles!
You dick.