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What a year! And Miraculously, I saw almost everything I wanted to see. The only exceptions being; Wreck-it-Ralph and This is Not a Film. Films I liked but not enough to make my top ten include; Beasts of the Southern Wild, The Cabin in the Woods, The Dark Knight Rises, Django Unchained, Jiro Dreams of Sushi, Moonrise Kingdom, and another one that wasn’t easy to eliminate.

Not including The Master is a tough decision that I may regret later. I have so much admiration for what The Master does visually, thematically, and with it’s spellbinding performances. Unfortunately, I’ve only seen it once and didn’t feel involved in the story. I had a detached experienced that I like to think could change with future viewings. For now I can only award The Master with my “I Respect You So Much Bro Award”. Though I can’t wait to see it again and reevaluate P.T. Anderson’s enigma.


10. Seven Psychopaths