in Review

“That’s not very scary. More like a six-foot Turkey.”

Kasabian – Velociraptor!

Just two years since their last release and Brit-electro rockers Kasabaian are at it again, whatever “it” is supposed to be. In the past Kasabian has delivered plentiful portions of danceable and hard rock tunes but have seemed to mellow on Velociraptor. No, I don’t mean it’s an album of ballads or anything, it’s still rock music that moves at a moderate pace but there doesn’t seem to be much spark here. Past Kasabian songs like; “Club Foot”, “Processed Beats”, “Shoot the Runner”, even “Vlad the Impaler” from the last album all had an edge to them whether it was more hard rock or hip hop inspired. Songs on Velociraptor feel like they were crapped out too fast, I mean you can put as much lush production on a song as you want, but make sure you have a good song to start with.

Kasabian thus far have appeared to be one of those bands that the critics love to hate. It doesn’t help that Kasabian has always seemed to exude a certain arrogance, possibly rubbed off on them by repeated touring with Oasis. They think they’re hot shit but have never really had the material to back that reputation up. Despite what anyone says I think “Club Foot” is a classic but they haven’t had as much breakthrough success since then. I enjoyed the last three Kasabian albums because the songs usually had a little grit behind their polished pop appearances, this album is just too squeaky clean.

In the past I’ve been too easy on laziness when it comes to artists I like, so I’m taking a stand. Kasabian should always WAIT until they have the best songs before making an album. I don’t care if it takes four years, I think this album came out too fast. Some songs are okay, the title track for instance (even if it is a bit of a ripoff of The Vines “Get Free” and Shocking Blue’s “Love Buzz” famously covered by Nirvana). The track “Switchblade Smiles” is probably the closest to the kind of Kasabian song I want to hear, gotta have that edge! I still think Kasabian can turn it around but next time they should probably look before they leap.

Favorite Tracks: “Switchblade Smiles”, “Velociraptor”


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