in CAT

C.A.T: The Smiths

The Smiths – The Smiths (1984)

What a tragedy of almost Shakesperian caliber when a classic album segment has to be phoned in, especially to such a talented group. Colin is really the blog’s resident Smiths fan so my outlook comes from more of a casual observer. I listen to the Smiths every now and then though my knowledge of the group is limited. I first heard this album a few years ago and it’s still stuck with me today, at least anytime I’m in the moody for moody alt-dream pop.

There’s the first first question indeed, what genre would you categorize the Smiths as? With Morrissey’s unique tortured pop poet persona and Johnny Marr’s diverse guitar playing, they crafted a sound that stands alone from other bands of the time. It always amazes me when you can get a band from the 80s who haven’t become dated from the decade of drum machines and synths, these guys were just off doing their own thing. Even on their first album The Smiths leisurely seem to move to the beat of their own drum playing morose yet beautiful ballads with more uptempo pop songs.

Even after how ever many years I have trouble separating the individual tracks in my mind. I can usually remember “Reel Around the Fountain” and of course the American version of the album which includes the classic “This Charming Man” a track I’ve always had great affection for. Really I just enjoy the overall sound and how each track seems to effortlessly sway into the next creating a lush texture held together with great pop songs. Someday i’ll find my way into listening to more of The Smiths music when I’m ready and that’ll be a good day.

Favorite Tracks: “Reel Around the Fountain”, “Still Ill” “This Charming Man”

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