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Welcome To 80s Week

Well another Fall season is upon us and you know what that means, it’s time for another themed week here at Da Morgue. So for the next week we’ll be taking a look at the decade that gave us Reaganomics, acid washed jeans, “Where’s The Beef?”, and of course that lovable Alf.

I know Da Morgue team really doesn’t have much business looking back at the eighties with any sense of fond nostalgia, since all of us were only alive for about a year or so of the decade. But that hasn’t stopped us from enjoying the best entertainment that the decade produced. Or at least some of us have, Sean’s put me in charge of this week since I guess he’s not much of an ’80s fan. Anyways, I’ll be surprised if these posts don’t end up seeming really lazy and slap-dash, but hey, at least we have something to write about.
Here’s how this week will hopefully turn out:
  • Tomorrow I’ll post my top 10s of movies, music, etc.
  • Tuesday, probably either me or John will do a CAT for a quintessential ’80s album
  • Wednesday, John will post his top tens
  • Thursday, Sean will post his
  • Friday, Nancy will post his lists or at least something ’80s related
  • Saturday, Probably some kind of wrap-up
So here’s to a radical week of mad postage.