in CAT

C.A.T.: Reggatta de Blanc

The Police – Reggatta de Blanc (1979)

I can’t really say for certain, but this might be my favorite album by the The Police. I guess it’s hard to decide when really all of The Police’s albums are pretty solid but for me none of them really stands above the rest as their definitive work. But this album has always stood out for me because it finds the band somewhere between their early punk/reggae sound and the more pop-oriented aspirations of their later work.
There’s a lot more of a reggae presence on Reggatta de Blanc than on any other Police record and it suits the band a little better than the heavy punk influence of their first album. And as good as that album is, I think most people would agree that The Police were never really a punk band at heart.
The album starts with one of The Police’s signature tracks “Message In A Bottle”, a song that sees the band exploring a slightly more polished sound, but the album ranks as one of the more diverse of the band’s albums. Sting’s reggae-influenced songs are certainly at the forefront, but drummer Stewart Copeland contributes three of his own songs that have a distinctly dark comic tone to them.
The Police’s discography is probably best enjoyed as a whole, as each album is pretty consistently impressive, although they each have their flaws. But Reggatta de Blanc is an early example of the band’s strengths, and their ability to make commercially viable music while still retaining a good amount of sonic exploration.
Favorite Tracks: “Message In A Bottle”, “Walking On The Moon”, “Contact”


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