Colin and I’s latest video is now available for your viewing pleasure on YouTube. This particular video entry follows the exploits of survivalist enthusiast Badger Stevens and his struggle to survive deep within the seething cesspool that is the Canadian Wilderness.
Fun Facts
– This was filmed at Crestwoods off the trail near some old beer cans and a giant wooden cross chained to a tree.
– The “Land Monster” was a wig!
– The fake urine was made by watering down apple juice
– The innards of the “Land Monster” was actually a slice of Schwarzwälder Schinken (which is basically Black Forest Ham) covered in fake blood.
– Badger’s dead son’s journal entries had actual writing and illustrations on them by myself and Paul
– The nazi pistol was a customized nerf gun made by Paul
– If we had just turned the camera slightly in a few shots you’d be able to see a bunch of houses. There was also a lot of construction noise in the background which fortunately didn’t turn up much on the final product.
Thanks for watching.
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