in Review

The Sleeper

The Reader

As of today I can finally check off the last film of my oscar ballot after seeing Stephen Daldry’s The Reader. Definitely the film I was least looking forward to seeing after the Best Picture nominations were announced, The Reader was exactly what I expected. A slow, brooding tale of taboo romance sparked with occasional interesting turns and solid acting. It somewhat balances out here and there and I somewhat enjoyed the latter half despite the fact that I really had no interest in the subject matter

Based off the 1995 novel “Der Vorleser” by Bernhard Schlink, The Reader depicts the lives of German Lawyer Michael Berg (Played by both David Kross and Ralph Fiennes) and Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet) a lonely illiterate woman later tried of war crimes for her time as a guard at Auschwitz. The story is essentially told in three parts; the first presenting a young Michael’s relationship with Hannah in 1950s Berlin until her disappearance, then Michael’s years a law student following Hannah’s trial and prison sentencing in the 60s and the last half following an adult Michael keeping contact with the imprisoned Hannah by sending her tapes of recorded stories (as he used to read to her when their relationship began.)

Now forbidden romance stories aren’t really my cup of tea, so naturally I was bored to tears during all the “intimate moments.” Meaning I basically had little to no interest in the first half of the film. The trial portion was rather interesting and I rather enjoyed seeing German actor Bruno Ganz pop up but it still suffered from some rather slow spots. Not to mention that whole tone of the film was quite solemn and ultimately depressing which never really settled very well with me.

Kate Winslet was pretty good and definitely deserving of a nomination. It appears that she’s the frontrunner this year being that she’s pretty much due for a win. Plus she wore aged makeup in the latter half of the film to downplay her appearance and I have this theory that making your lead actress less attractive in a movie often guarantees an Oscar win. Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron, Marion Cotillard, Hilary Swank dressed as a boy and if all goes according to plan Kate Winslet will walk away with the gold this year.

So in conclusion The Reader was kind of boring but it had it’s moments and was well made. I wouldn’t of nominated it but it certainly wasn’t terrible.


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