I was just looking through the Cat Fancy archives, when I noticed that last year I did a brief post on Jimmy Kimmel’s Post-Oscar show. I’d forgotten about that and it’s funny cause I actually managed to catch it again this year, so why not continue with tradition? It all started when I saw a 30 second promo for the show featuring who else but Tom Cruise. In the promo Jimmy saves Tom from a fire that he presumably started and asks if he’ll do his show. So I figured tom would be on there doing something special but he wasn’t. They just had a behind the scenes look at the making of the promo. So what it was, was a promo to watch Jimmy Kimmel to see how they made the promo… Try and wrap your mind around that.
Anyways, I seem to recall that last year he had a bunch of celebrities but this year it was slim pickings. Jimmy did a terrible parody of Batman/Benjamin Button where he in heavy makeup was like an old baby vigilante. The makeup was good but nothing else about it was. It was cool to see Mel Gibson as the featured guest, though I’m not sure why he was there. He had a strange little Van Dyke beard and mostly just joked around talking about the Oscars. When Jimmy Kimmel asked him about his arrest I was afraid it would be all awkward or something but Mel seems to laugh it off know, he’s not so bad just kind of kooky. Throughout the interview Jimmy said they’d show a sneak peak of Mel’s next secret epic which was of course a joke. It was Mel in a Civil War period piece playing Colonel Sanders getting revenge on some chickens or something.. Sort of amusing. The show ended with some douchey pop singer and then it was over. Not very impressive but I’m always down to up Cat Fancy’s post count.
P.S. Did anyone see the last episode of Conan? I initially missed it but luckily IMDb had it available to watch on their site. More or less a clip show with Andy there were some pretty great clips. The White Stripes weren’t very impressive and the end of the show was basically just Conan thanking people but I’m pumped for Conan’s next big step.
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