in CAT

C.A.T: Led Zeppelin

Led Zeppelin – Led Zeppelin (1969)
Yeah I know, not the most exciting choice for a classic album tuesday, but I feel like you gotta throw in some of the more recognizable classics every once in awhile. So why don’t we take a look at why this hard rock debut album has become such a staple of the genre and still lives on as vigorously as ever.

It all started with the disbanding of The Yardbirds. It was the summer of 68′ when guitarist Jimmy Page found himself as the only remaining member, still left with the band name and contractual obligations. Recruiting studio bassist John Paul Jones, vocalist Robert Plant and drummer John Bonham (Both from the group Band of Joy), this quartet started off touring as The New Yardbirds.

Later donning the name Led Zeppelin, the guys headed into Olympic Studio’s in the fall of 1968 to record their landmark self titled album. Recorded in a surprisingly brief amount of time, this blues infused orgy of masterful riffs and powerful rhythms would forever shape the genre from then on.

Something about the production and atmosphere this album carries with it sends shivers down my spine. Songs like “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You” and “Dazed and Confused” have such a dramatic impact with their otherworldly tones and masterful musicianship. It’s fitting that Zeppelin have been given the moniker of “Hammer of the Gods” as their sound is nothing short of epic.

It’s hard to think of a lot of groups that inspired such a broad amount of musicians. In my experience, anyone who begins to embrace rock music or play guitar has gone through some sort of Led Zeppelin stage. They play it to death on the radio and you don’t have to go to far to see some kid in a Guitar Center jamming away at Zeppelin classics. I’ll keep it brief here as I don’t have much energy or enthusiasm towards writing today. It rocks, it rolls and does everything in between for plenty of good times.

Favorite Tracks: “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You”, “Dazed and Confused”, “Good Times Bad Times”


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