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I hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween. Surely someone will come up with some clever holiday post later, but some craziness went down in the gaming industry this week and I just wanted to mention it to anyone who missed it.

Mercenaries 2 came out a little while ago. While the game seemed like it would be great, the demo left me fairly underwhelmed, so I passed on it. I’ll have to remedy that soon, since Sarah Palin and Barrack Obama have been announced as new downloadable player characters next week. Awesome. Just awesome. Who doesn’t want to see Palin jack a helicopter, or the O-bomb drop an A-bomb? That last joke may have been in poor taste.

This DLC is coming out because of next week’s presidential election, but Mercenaries 2 isn’t the only game to capitalize on that. On November 4, Rock Band 2 players will be able to download the 20 free DLC tracks, plus there’s a rumor going around that there will be a Presidents of the USA track pack. That’s still just a rumor though.

Speaking of Rock Band 2, Harmonix, the developers, have been tasked with creating a Beatles game. Yes, The Beatles. That’s huge. But what’s interesting is that this game does not have “Rock Band” in the title, since they want this game to be a real, career-spanning Beatles experience. That’s all well and good as long as they let us download the tracks to our system and play them in RB2.

Oh, and the Mirror’s Edge demo is out now. I haven’t played it yet, but I’m sure it’s fun.

That’s all I got, happy Halloween!


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