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Nevermind Adding the Popular Tracks

Remember last week when we celebrated the 90s?  Remember how Nirvana’s Nevermind was on everyone’s list of albums.  Yeah… Good times.

Now, I have to ask you if you remember something else, Rock Band and the longstanding hope that we would get to play this classic album within it.  This week we get a little closer to that goal with the release of a ton of tracks.  For only $11, Rock Band players can scoop up:

  • “Breed”
  • “Lounge Act”
  • “On a Plain”
  • “Polly”
  • “Something in the Way”
  • “Stay Away”
  • “Territorial Pissings”

With “In Bloom” and “Drain You” already in the Rock Band games this leaves just the three arguably most popular tracks off the album, “Smells Like Teen Spirit,” “Come as You Are,” and “Lithium.”  Except for “Endless, Nameless,” and who knows if that will ever show up…  Frankly, those three songs should make a sweet 3-pack at a later date, and I’m sure we all can’t wait to play through the whole album.


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