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You Know What’s Bullshit?

What’s that up there?  That’s Rock Band 2, which doesn’t come out until Sunday.  But some lucky mofos already got their grubby hands on it, thanks to fools in retail.  They’re doing the right thing and uploading videos of the songs on YouTube, so we can at least see what they’re enjoying.

A lot of the songs they are uploading are the really hard ones, and they look hard.  Like, I probably won’t be able to beat this game for a long time.  But I’m OK with that.  What’s the fun if you can get through all the songs in one try?  Plus, several songs we’ve all been looking forward to look great.
(Some of these songs look especially fast because they have the hyperspeed cheat turned on)
So nothing so far is bullshit.  Unless you watched that embedded YouTube video above.  Then you know exactly what’s bullshit.  They skipped the acoustic intro to “American Woman!”  What the heck?  I am upset.
Anyway, it didn’t look like anyone else was going to post today, so at least you got something, even if it is just another product of my obsession with everything Rock Band.


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