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Word on the Web

Well the Cat Fancy/Spartans softball post is a hard one to follow, but I thought I’d use the sunday post as chance to discuss a few Pop Culture tid bits, that I read about on the interweb.

The Web
So I’d heard earlier this week about the newly discovered “Bill O’Reilly Meltdown” from back when he was on Inside Edition. It sounded intruiging so this weekend, Colin, Nancy, Kelly and I had to see it, and all I can say is “Damn, that guy’s got problems” He really does push it to the limit saying things like “Fuck it” and “The fucking thing sucks” to his teleprompter and staff. It just stuns me that this man still has an audience at all, but it’s certainly become quite popular on the web. The original is amusing, but I actually prefer the Techno Dance Remix.

Were getting closer and closer to some of this summer’s releases. Weezer has recently moved their album release date from June 24th to June 3rd and recently a few tracks have leaked on the internet. I didn’t want to spoil the experience to much, but i just had to hear a couple of the new songs, and what do I think? “Ehhh, I guess their okay” so unfortunately it’s not the kind of comeback I would of liked to see from Alternative rockers Weezer. The songs still continue to lack that kind of punch and spark of ingenuity that Weezer’s music had in the 90s. Perhaps they’ll win the kind of critical acclaim back someday but I don’t see it with this album. Though maybe I’ll grow to like it more when it comes out. I do like the single Pork and Beans and it is produced pretty cleanly and tight (It’s produced by Rick Rubin) Perhaps I could end up liking it, but I can’t see myself ever loving it or anything.

Another little music note is that Coldplay music video for Violet Hill is now floating around the web… or at least it was, I think it’ll be premierd “Officially” on May 19th if your curious. I also checked out their new song available on iTunes Viva La Vida which I really enjoyed, so I’m pretty pumped for that album. (Set for release on June 12)

Well from the looks of this promotional artwork it looks like The Cleveland Show will be happening and premiering on Fox In March 2009. I don’t understand why Cleveland has a new family or what will happen to him on Family Guy but as a F.G. fan, I’ll naturally keep following all the info that pops up about this it’s just such a bizarre idea. Could it be good? Only time will tell.

Not much to report here, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull I believe has premiered in a few places already. I thought I heard that it premiered at Cannes, but I’m too lazy to verify that. There have only been a couple reviews so I’m not sure what it will be like. Some critics on Rotten Tomatoes seem to think it will dissapoint fans (as some guy also told me that Lucas said that, and I’m like “Ja right, why would he say that?”) but some other critics seem to find it just as exciting or entertaining as the original trilogy, so I’m still of the opinion that it’ll be good. Either way I’m ecstatic for it’s release this week.

Well that’s all, I’d “Play this out” but I don’t know what that means…. Get it?


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