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The High Price of Rocking

Remember when they announced that you would get a guitar, drums, mic and Rock Band for $179, it seemed like a reasonable price? Well it turns out we were getting an incredible deal.

EA recently announced that Rock Band would be coming out for the Xbox 360 only late this May (the 23rd) in Europe. So six months later and only on one console. That already kind of sucks. But now they’ve released pricing details, which are a joke. There’s the instrument edition, which comes with one guitar, one drum kit and a mic, which costs £130/€170. That’s right, there’s no game. To get the game, it’ll cost you £50/€70. For those of you that don’t understand European money, that means that to get the whole Rock Band experience, which I remind you cost us $170, we’ll cost them about $378. More than double what we payed.

A smaller price increase is expected, gaming is more expensive in Europe. But come on, this is ridiculous! For $378, I’d expect the entire DLC library on the disc. Do they get that? No. They do get a few extra songs:

Now we all know German music is perfect for Rock Band, but these are only 9 songs. I’m not sure how that will even work if you don’t speak French or German or English. Will they translate them? Anyway, those tracks will be available as DLC in the U.S. too, probably around the European release. Once again, it kicks ass to be American.


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