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Put That Burner on High!

I haven’t really heard any interesting rumors this off season apart from the M’s possibly going after Rich Harden. And as swell as that was, this latest one really gets me excited:

John Paul Morosi of

“The Mariners have made progress toward a deal with free agent Chone Figgins and are clear frontrunners to sign the third baseman, multiple major league sources told The team and Figgins’ representatives engaged in serious talks Thursday. One person briefed on the discussions said he wouldn’t be surprised if the sides agreed to a deal of at least four years over the next several days. But he cautioned that there is “nothing done” yet.”

At first I was meh. Then I read some of USSM and LL’s thoughts and I was still meh. But after thinking about who else I wanted to succeed Beltre I finally came around.

One of my favorite things to hear in baseball is “And the runner goes!”. Figgins stole 42 bases. That’s quite a bit more than any Mariner has in recent memory. The idea of an Ichiro!-Figgins 1-2 is quite appeasing. That is some serious speed.

Defensively he’s been a great 3rd basemen for most of his career and provides enough flexibility position wise that he won’t be blocking any prospects. The more I read and talk about this the more I get excited.

BUT! It is a rumor. And as reported there is nothing done yet.

The winter meetings start on Monday and I think we’ll be in for a real treat. If you’re into that kind of thing.

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