It’s rare that I ever get excited for new rock albums anymore. However, even though there have been much more pressing things going on this weekend, I am quite excited to listen to Near To The Wild Fire Of Life, the new Japandroids album that came out on Friday. This is in no small part due to the fact that if I had to choose a favorite album of the ’10s so far, it’d have to be the band’s 2012 release Celebration Rock, which is also perhaps the most aptly titled album of the decade so far. Also, the fact that it took the band a whole five years to release a follow-up has also fueled my anticipation, even if there’s also a part of me that wishes they’d broken up after that last LP. Because if I’m being honest, it’s hard to imagine them putting out a better collection of heart-pounding anthems, such as the one I’m about to talk about.
Song: “The House That Heaven Built” by Japandroids
Album: Celebration Rock
Year: 2012
Written by: Japandroids Continue reading