The Best of 2018 So Far…

Before we jump headlong into Criterion month, here’s a look back at the best of pop culture from 2018 so far. Things move fast these days, so if you blink, you might miss a great album or movie or television show, or maybe even a quality video game. Here, John, Sean, and Colin try to catch you up on the best stuff from this year, while making no bones about the fact there’s probably plenty of stuff they just didn’t have time to catch up with. Here’s to more great pop culture to distract us from the interminable hellscape that is 2018!

Top Ten Anticipated Movies of 2018

Another year, another slate of movies to get your hopes up about and be inevitably disappointed by. Though, from looking at year’s past, Sean and John have had a pretty good track record of predicting movies that end up being pretty good (John called four movies that ended up on his top ten last year!) Meanwhile, Colin aims to keep up his streak of naming movies he won’t see (he was 10 for 10 last year). That’s right, it’s the most anticipated movies of (the month old) 2018! Continue reading

Top Ten Movies of 2017

2017 in film has come and gone, but here Sean, John, and Colin take a look back at it one last time. And also for the final time this year, we whip out the old Top Ten Thursdays format of talking about a long list of things in-depth, and then trying the listener’s patience debating whether something like The Florida Project is more of a number 7 or a number 8 (sorry for the spoiler). But if there’s one thing these guys can agree on, it’s that 2017 was an all-around great year for movies, bursting at the seams with great releases primed to get us through the dregs of January.

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Top Ten TV Shows of 2017

There was a lot of television in 2017. There will probably be even more television in 2018. The point is, Colin, Sean, and John tried to watch a lot of it, but probably still didn’t watch as much as the supposed average American who watches more than 5 hours of television a day (are there just a ton of mega-bingers inflating this number? That seems like a lot). But they still watched well over 10 shows in 2017, which gave them enough to make their annual lists. And here, as every year, they talk about which ones were the best of the best. Or at least, the best out of the ones the had the time watch. Continue reading

The Sixth Annual Mildly Pleased Awards

The time has come again for another Mildly Pleased Awards and my body is willing but my spirit is broken. The idea of an awards show for the stuff that doesn’t stand out, for the forgotten middle, feels like it’s at its most inessential after a full year of blasting moderates and centrists for allowing bullshit to bulldoze us. So let’s dispel the notion that this is anything but three friends taking a chance to talk about art that otherwise would go undiscussed. Because yeah, Brett Ratner jokes aren’t as funny anymore and tomorrow sounds a lot scarier than it did a few years ago, but this is still our lives, damnit! Now that we’re into 2018, I take to heart this advice from Hurray for the Riff Raff: “do your best but fuck the rest, be something.”

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Mildly Pleased Summercast

What we did on our summer vacation: watch lots of Criterion movies, see a few quality blockbusters, and rock out to some sweet summer jams. Oh, and not post very frequently. But fortunately here’s a special end-of-summer podcast to let you know what we’ve been doing this summer pop culture-wise as we head into the cold hard crispness of Fall.

The First Mildly Pleased Criterion Draft

An event is coming! Another event is coming! Summer is here and we all know what that means: Blockbuster movies. 2017 has more franchise and sequel flicks coming out than any other year in history, so we thought we’d celebrate that absolute glut of cinema by actually celebrating the highest achievers in the medium. So, this July, be on the lookout for 30 reviews of 30 films by 29 directors from the Criterion Collection. We’re so excited about the foreign, silent, and black and white films that will be dropping on you that we even had to do a draft so we could each claim the reviews we wanted to do. Check out the podcast, the tentative schedule is after the break.

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