in Podcast

There was a lot of television in 2017. There will probably be even more television in 2018. The point is, Colin, Sean, and John tried to watch a lot of it, but probably still didn’t watch as much as the supposed average American who watches more than 5 hours of television a day (are there just a ton of mega-bingers inflating this number? That seems like a lot). But they still watched well over 10 shows in 2017, which gave them enough to make their annual lists. And here, as every year, they talk about which ones were the best of the best. Or at least, the best out of the ones the had the time watch.

Mildly Pleased’s Top 10 TV Shows of 2017
10. Difficult People
9. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
8. Rick and Morty
7. The Handmaid’s Tale
6. Master of None
5. The Good Place
4. Nathan For You
3. Feud: Bette & Joan
2. Nirvana the Band the Show
1. Better Call Saul

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