As we make our way through Shocktober, this week we take a look at a horror movie of sorts (or perhaps an “erotic fantasy”) with the 1982 remake of Cat People. We discuss how effectively the film expands on its horror-noir inspiration and whether director Paul Schrader was the best person to bring this source material to the screen. But mostly we rag on John Heard and how ill-equipped is to be the leading man in a film that needed someone a little more sexy and charming (our apologies to the memory of Mr. Heard).
John’s Little Pick: Deadly Prey Gallery (Movie Posters)
Sean’s Little Pick: Ahsoka (TV Series)
Colin’s Little Pick: Pure Pop For Now People (or Jesus of Cool) by Nick Lowe (Album)
Yeah, I hope it was clear that I thought John Heard was fine but the role as written required a performance that was extraordinary