Don’t say his name 5 times, but feel free to listen to this podcast 5 times (you know, in case you miss some of the nuances). In lieu of the Candyman remake that came out last week, we’re taking a look at the original 1992 film while also offering a few thoughts on how the two movies compare. We also get a bit into the character’s background and how it’s kind of a miracle how effective this character is (even if his mythology is inherently a little inconsistent). Also, if that isn’t scary enough, John offers his take on a mutant hybrid of a snack concocted by Pringles and Wendy’s.
John’s Little Pick: Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Pringles (Snack Food)
Colin’s Little Pick: Pig (Movie)
Sean’s Little Pick: How Long Do You Think It’s Gonna Last? by Big Red Machine (Album)