Pitching Tents 19: Star Wars Spin-offs

Hey everybody, there’s a Star Wars a-comin’! I don’t know if there’s as much excitement for the Solo: A Star Wars Story as there has been for the past few Star Wars movies. But well, I think Star Wars fatigue was somewhat inevitable. Still, from the TV promos I’ve seen, critics supposedly think Solo is “fun” and “exciting”, so I guess there’s that to look forward to. Also, what I’ve kind of gleaned from reviews so far is that it’s inoffensively passable. In other words, it’s a Ron Howard film. On this episode of Pitching Tents, the boys try to buck the trend of bland fan service-y Star Wars spin-offs and pitch something truly daring. But you know, also won’t piss off fans as much as an actual good Star Wars movie like The Last Jedi did.

Pitching Tents 18: Musicals

No one really knows how the game is played. The art of the trade, how the sausage gets made. We just assume that it happens but no one else is in the room where it happens. In this case, I’m not talking about the post-Revolutionary War American government, but actually the dirty work of pitching movies. This week, the four of us try to come up with some really good ideas for ways Hollywood could cash in on the recent success of musicals like La La Land. What’s our name, man? Pitching Tents, our name is Pitching Tents, and there’s a million things we haven’t done, just you wait, just you wait.

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Pitching Tents 17: Premium Cable

Many happy returns to the world of television! Mid-late September has historically been the time that the most important TV shows begin their seasons, although that’s been going the way of Blockbuster these last few years. Now that you can watch good stuff on your phone or whatever the kids are doing, the people needs good shows all the time. We’re here to help with that cause, with a few pitches aimed toward Netflix, HBO, and everyone else who wants to carve their own slice of the fall season.

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Pitching Tents 16: Oscar Bait

It’s no secret that the Academy tends to gravitate toward certain types of motion pictures when it comes to handing out their coveted awards. This year’s batch of nominees doesn’t really buck that trend, featuring period pieces set in 1950s New York, stories ripped from the headlines that still apply to today, adaptations of well-regarded recent novels, and of course a dystopian, feminist thrill ride revival of an Australian franchise. Well, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em, I say. This week it’s best picture or bust as we pitch the ultimate Oscar bait and try to have some fun doing it. Give her a listen!

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Pitching Tents 15: Thanksgiving

Who do you think discovered the trace your hand to draw a turkey thing? Was it a teacher, an artist, a craftsman, a parent? How do you think that person felt when they realized they had changed the game forever? When they realized they had just created a lasting legacy, one that every generation of American children would engage in for time immemorial? I can only guess they felt about as good as we all did coming up with great pitches for the untapped turkey day movie market. Don’t believe me? Check it out.

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Pitching Tents 14: Scary (Featuring Paul Otteni!)

We interrupt your usual Shocktober coverage with… Well actually this fits in pretty well with those posts. Because after months, years, a lifetime of watching horror movies, us here at Mildly Pleased have a pretty good idea of what the market’s like, and what the market lacks. So come down into our deep, dusty dungeon for a delightful discussion of four freaky films that don’t exist yet, but someday could. What a disturbing thought!

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Pitching Tents 13: College (Featuring Paul Otteni!)

Soon summer will be over. The college kids will return to their campuses, after PAX and Bumbershoot we won’t have big events to worry about, the children will spend their days in schools. Oh, and it will stop being hot and sunny. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Join us this week on Pitching Tents as we celebrate the fact that a lot of people’s lives are changing right now, but our’s sure as hell aren’t.

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