I think Colin thought I would review this and I thought Colin would review it, because somehow we never made an actual post about the great new Japandroids album. Unless someone did review it, in which case I simply could not find it with our search box and I’m sorry. We did talk about it on our best stuff of the first half of the year podcast and I’m pretty certain we’ll be talking about it again on our best music of the year podcast, but I figured I should probably throw out an official mention on the blog.
Japandroids are great because they throw it all into every song. They sound full of energy and huge, much bigger than you would think a two-man band could be. Like their first album, the lyrics are simple and earnest, and the songs are anthemic, the kind of stuff pretty much anyone could get behind. It rocks so much. Seriously, check out the song I embedded, “The House That Heaven Built,” it’s the one we played on the podcast and probably one of the best songs all year.
Favorite Tracks: “Younger Us,” “The House That Heaven Built,” “Continuous Thunder”