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2011 Tuneage

Hasn’t been a post in awhile, I’ve been damn busy as I assume that’s been the case for most of us at DaMorgue. I don’t even know if there’s anything that’s been going on worth mentioning, unless you want to hear us tackle the issues in Egypt.

In the past we’ve done a whole slew of “upcoming album” posts, so here’s one more to add to the list. Basically albums I’m keeping an ear out for, I’m off to a good start this year and this spring only looks to further that satisfaction.

Feb 15 – Bright Eyes – The People’s Key
: My liking for Bright Eyes has been casual in the past, but I’ve definitely been getting into them a lot more lately. Maybe hearing about a new album made me think, “Hmm maybe it’s finally a good time to check all this out.” Not to mention Nancy proposed the idea of going to see them in Portland in April, I’d be all about that.

Feb 28 – Beady Eye – Different Gear, Still Speeding
“Who the hell Beady Eye?” You probably wouldn’t care if I told you, unless you like Oasis. Yes this is it, the now Noel Gallagher-less Oasis and this is their much hyped (By Liam Gallagher) debut album. A handful of songs have surfaced and the sound is still pretty reminiscent of Oasis, but a little more basic and straightforward. I don’t imagine it will make much of a blip as it’s just not the same without Noel, I just care because I’m such a huge Oasis fan. I hope for the best, but don’t expect much.

March 7 – R.E.M. – Collapse Into Now
: I keep putting off listening to Accelerate for reasons seemingly unknown. I like REM to some extent and reviews were favorable, including Colin’s post here on DaMorgue. So this time ’round I’m going to try and be on the ball and pay some attention to these still standing statesman of alternative rock.

March 22 – The Strokes – Angles
: If there is one album I’m just so unbelievably stoked for, it’s this one. The much anticipated, long awaited, return of one of the best modern rock groups The Strokes is something I wouldn’t miss for the world. Word from the band is it’s supposedly their best album since Is This It? and will be a return to that sound. Seeing that Is This It? was my second favorite album of the 2000s and Colin’s favorite, that’s damn good news. The first single “Undercover of Darkness” is supposed to hit airwaves on February 9th, but I’m hoping it leaks, I don’t know how much longer I can wait.

May 3 – Fleet Foxes – Helplessness Blues
: I wasn’t as diehard as some people were for the last Fleet Foxes album, but it did have a folksy kind of beauty that was hard not to like. The band says this one will be less poppy and more groove based, so we can find out this may what lies ahead for this hometown Seattle group.

Peter Bjorn and John – Gimme Some

Man these guys just never stop,it seems like they always have an album out. Not much is known about Gimme Some, but from the two songs released, it sounds like a back-to-basics album for this Swedish trio. Winning people’s hearts with the instant indie classic “Young Folks” off of 2006’s Writer’s Block, PB&J have done a lot of experimenting since than, most notably on 2009’s Living Thing, an album that controversially split myself and Sean, I liked it. I posted a neat ADD fueled video below of this new song barely passing 90 seconds, intense.

Death Cab for Cutie – Codes and Keys

No release date yet, but it’s supposedly coming out this Spring. It’s been quoted as “a much less guitar-centric album” so we’ll see if that means electronic, or keys or what, either way I have faith in these Indie Pop Poobahs.

There’s a lot of other rumors flying around, but I’ll wait till I get some more concrete info to report on that. As for 2011, it looks to be a fairly exciting year for music, I am winner! Here’s that PB&J video I was talking about too, pumped for that album.

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