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"Get Ready for some Heavy Vengeance!"

For all you Da Morgue fans, I’m very happy to inform you that our 43 minute comedy film “Rock McTrigger in Heavy Vengeance” is now available on Vimeo, free of charge naturally. This completes our “McTrilogy” that we started in 2006 and were glad we could go out with a bang, hopefully we can put together a DVD, which would also have to be free (because of copyright issues) but if you read this blog just send us a message.

It was a long road to put this together, but it’s done and were all very happy with it. Really what I cherish most from teh experience is the little things you learn along the way; technical skills, ways to improve hands on production, problems to look for like weather and lighting, there all just little nuggets of experience (of sorts) that will only aid us in future productions. I hope to start another video project again in June with all the usual suspects, so always be on the look out for something offensive on the horizon.