Girl Talk – All Day | ![]() |
I can’t say I knew who Girl Talk was before last week, but when I heard this new All Day album was being given away for free on the Internet, well, let’s just say you’d have to be a real asshole to turn that down. So I checked it out, and you know what? It’s pretty good.
The premise here is that Girl Talk takes a bunch of music (mostly new-ish, some classics) and mixes it together into one glorious 71-minute song (or 12 lesser song segments, if you prefer, which I do, in theory). It’s clearly meant to be listened to in one go, since if I wasn’t looking I never would have known where one track ended and the next began.
None of the music here, is original, except for all of it. What I mean is that every song is comprised of nothing but samples from popular music, but the results are more powerful than the original musicians could have ever possibly imagined. All Day is joyous and fun, and it is frequently a delight when you hear a familiar loop used in a dynamic new way. It’s cool beans.
It’s all a kind of nonsensical fun. If you like, you know, music, might as well give All Day a shot. After all, it’s free.
Favorite Tracks: “All Day”