The Rolling Stones – Tattoo You (1981)
There’s a lot of hip, influential albums I could’ve picked for 1981 but instead I’ll go with the 1981 smash hit Tattoo You by everyone’s favorite group of rowdy senior citizens. Strangely enough I think this is the first time we’ve done a “Classic Album Tuesday” for the Stones, anyhow this is a great rock record and possibly their best of the 80s.
Hastily compiled of old demos either overdubbed or rerecorded Tattoo You was basically thrown together just so the Stones would have an album to promote on their 1981-1982 American/European Tour. Even if this was the case the Stones somehow managed to capture lightning in a bottle with an album calling back to the bluesy rock of Sticky FIngers.
It’s got everything you could ask for in a Stone’s record. It’s got your hit singles, “Start Me Up”, “Waiting on a Friend” your bluesy swaggering numbers like “Slave”, “Black Limousine” and your ballads like “Heaven” and “No Use in Crying”. It’s the Stones doing what they do best, jamming and cutting loose.
The last Stones album to hit number one on the charts, you could argue that it was the last great album until A Bigger Bang about 24 years later. Anyhow it’s a must listen for classic rock or Stones fan. Maybe we’ll even revisit it if we ever do a Stones retrospective… That would be epic.
Favorite Tracks: “Hang Fire”, “Start Me Up”, “Waiting on a Friend”
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