in Review

One Sad Dad

World’s Greatest Dad

I first heard about this film a few years ago from a guy in my screenwriting class (when it was in production of course). Filmed on location in our very own Emerald City, World’s Greatest Dad is a dark comedy starring Robin Williams, written and directed by Bobcat Goldthwait. Now though this film doesn’t open until August 21st (in limited release) it’s currently available to rent on “Comcast On-Demand” for about 10 bucks. Intrigued by the idea of a raunchy R rated comedy with a comic great in Williams (plus the whole Seattle factor) I just had to check this out and I’m excited to say it’s probably the most bizarre and unique comedy I’ve seen this year.

Robin Williams plays Lance Clayton, a high school poetry teacher at a private school with dreams of becoming a famous writer. Tormented by his failures as a writer, Lance has bigger problems when it comes to raising his rude, underachieving, pervert of a son Kyle (Daryl Sabara). What follows is a dark and unpredictable series of events that I’ll try and not spoil for you now but it’s hard to do World’s Greatest Dad justice with just a brief summary, I can only say that it’s definitely worth checking out.

Williams is absolutely fantastic, which I often forget due to all the horrible PG comedies he wastes his time with these days. He’s really quite capable of giving incredibly genuine and powerful performances and here he’s at his best without a doubt. I really couldn’t visualize a better actor to fill the role of the unfulfilled and morose Lance Clayton. Daryl Sabara (formerly of the Spy Kids series) is also noteworthy as Williams’ foul mouthed son, who probably has some of the best lines in the film… I never thought I’d live to see the day where the kid from Spy Kids would call Robin Williams a fag. Alexie Gilmore and Henry Simmons do a suitable job filling out the rest of the cast as William’s love interest and a fellow hip teacher respectively and there are plenty of great cameos including; Tom Kenny (The voice of SpongeBob SquarePants), Toby Huss (Artie on Pete and Pete and The Wiz on Seinfeld), Bobcat Goldthwait and who else but hometown hero Krist Novoselic in a brief non-speaking role.

The Seattle setting is an added bonus in my book, though most of the film does take place in a private school, but it’s still neat to see such locations as what I believe was the Varsity Theater (I wonder if this movies gonna be playing there? Wrap your mind around that.) But what really blows my mind is that Bobcat Goldthwait is actually a damn good filmmaker. Who would of thunk that funny voiced comedian from the 90s would of ever had a career as a filmmaker? Not me, but I’m glad he’s made the transition cause it’s rare that I can actually say any comedy is in any way unique.

Well I’m pretty tired but once again I’d just like to say that I recommend this film. It was a smash at Sundance and hopefully it’ll find an audience. It’s a great comedy that’s even got some fine drama working in it’s favor as well and who doesn’t love that?


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