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New Day, New Way!

My oh my! What a great opener for our M’s in their 6-1 victory over the Twins at the Metrodome today. First off I got to give props to King Felix for a slick eight innings and six strikeouts despite a slight limp he got in the first inning. My man Gut made an impressive showing with his two run blast in the fifth and Lopez certainly made some crucial contributions with his sac fly in the second and another two runs in the ninth. But easily the big highlight for me and probably most M’s fans was Griffey’s majestic home run in the fifth. Just seeing that beautiful effortless swing almost made me soil myself. I mean is there anything more beautiful than seeing Griffey hit a home run on the first game of the season? I’ll keep this brief as I just wanted to express some of my excitement for opening day. I’d also like to mention that with this post I’ve broken my own consecutive post record, it’s a good thing.


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