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Ripe Off the Vine

The Vines – Melodia

Last July I wrote a retrospective of The Vines discography, but it wasn’t until a few days ago that I actually got to listen to the actual album in it’s entirety. Released physically last July in Austrailia, The Vines fourth album “Melodia” was and is still only available in the U.S. for either 16.99 on the itunes online store or 16.99 on some crappy shop online. Seeing as I’m opposed to paying that much for an album I haven’t even heard, I had to wait until I could ahem.. Find other means of attaining it, let’s just say that the internet is glorious thing.

So The Vines huh? Don’t hear about them too much anymore, they’re still popular in Austrailia but definitely out of the spotlight here and with this new album I’m afriad it will remain that way. I’m saying this not only for it’s cheap promotion and weak release but as well for it’s same old, same old approach. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not a bad album just somewhat repetitive of their former work and that tends to make it a tad predictable. I understand if a band wants to have a signature sound but I’m not sure that I like the style that the The Vines have chosen. By this I mean; having incredibly short songs, little variety in instruments and predictable progressions.

There are some highlights to this album despite it’s problems. Where the last album was kind of mixed up on diferent genres this one connects grunge rock with bittersweet acoustic tunes seemlessly but I probably like it’s predecessor better. It’s nice that they’ve reunited with their original producer Rob Schnapf this time round and that they’ve created some good chemistry with their new bassist Brad Heald, so there’s something positive.

I used to praise the fact that The Vines have had an album out every two years since their debut, but now I’m starting to think they should take a break and spend a little more time writing and recording their next album, at least if they want to reconnect with American audiences.

Favorite Tracks: “Get Out”, “He’s a Rocker”, “Orange Amber”


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