in CAT

C.A.T.: Raw Power

Iggy and The Stooges – Raw Power (1973)

If there’s an album that’s more raw, in your face, and just flat out raunchy as The Stooges’ third album, Raw Power, I haven’t heard it. Or at least I haven’t heard that kind of uncontainably raw energy channeled into songs as good as these. This also happens to be the last album by the Stooges, it was made just as the band was starting to fall apart due to drug abuse and financial problems. However, Raw Power (which was produced by David Bowie) captures The Stooges in prime form on what is probably their best album.

Raw Power is certainly most notable for the unrelenting sonic assault of songs like “Search and Destroy” or the title track. However, the Stooges show that they have more than one side to their sound with the dark and ominous “Gimme Danger” and the bluesy “I Need Somebody”. Iggy Pop certainly holds nothing back with each song, he certainly puts every bit of energy he has into every vocal performance on this album. And this combined with with James Williamson’s earsplitting guitar work makes for explosive results. Williamson, who joined the band just prior to this album definitely is a much more talented musician than Ron Ashton who played guitar on the first two Stooges albums, but he’s still able to play with that signature raunch that the Stooges are known for. It’s no secret that The Stooges were one of the biggest precursors to the punk rock movement and this album is definitely a sign of things to come.

Favorits Tracks: “Gimme Danger”, “Raw Power”, “You’re Pretty Face Is Going To Hell”


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