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The War is Over

Finally, this drawn-out, pointless conflict has come to an end. No, not the War on Terror, or any of the other really important battles being fought right now. I’m talking about the High Definition DVD war. Today Toshiba finally conceded the battle; HD-DVD has died at the feet of BluRay.

What does this mean for you? Probably nothing. Not many people have BluRay players and even fewer have HD-DVD players. In fact, most people don’t even have the HDTVs required to really notice the difference these discs make. Down the line, you will probably switch over to BluRay. Knowing my family, we’ll probably upgrade by the end of this year.
BluRay is a mightier disc, but ultimately, will better picture and audio sway consumers? Not many. So I’m gonna guess BluRay is going to start getting more and more exclusive content while DVD gets the shaft in the coming months. But will you “rebuy” the movies you already own on DVD? I don’t see myself doing that. Except Star Wars, of course, whenever that six-pack comes out…


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