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Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous

So as a gag my mom picked up a few of those terrible tabloid magazines today and I can’t believe some of the stuff they write about. “Doc Warns Dr, Phil; ‘You’re Going to Die'” “Farrah Fawcett: Weeks to Live” Now I don’t know any of these celebrities personally but c’mon “weeks to live?” If a celebrity was going to die any day now wouldn’t we hear about on the news? It’s not really giving yourself much elbow room if you’re wrong either. I see it all the time, they just lie and make all sorts of shit up and people still buy it. It isn’t the first time I’ve seen this either, I remember seeing “Bob Hope’s Last Days” a good 4 years before he died, the same goes for Jack Lemmon. I mean sure they died but it certainly wasn’t their “Last Days” when these articles were written. Yet these magazine keep on selling. I guess I don’t understand the fascination for any tidbit that “might” be true about a celebrity. I like them for their work, not their personal lives. For instance, it would certainly appear that Mel Gibson’s got some major issues but that doesn’t mean I’m going to stop seeing his movies. Celebrities are just rich people why should anyone be care if they hear “Is Nicole Richie Going to Have a Panic Attack” or “Zac Efron: Gay?” Hopefully they just think it’s a big joke like me, but I’m sure there is a fair share of people who take it seriously as well.

So that’s it, thought I’d just write anything I could think of for this Friday post. See you all at “Be Kind Rewind” and make sure to mourn for Dr. Phil.


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