in CAT

C.A.T: Dookie

I decided to go all the way back to the distant future of 1994 with an album very dear to my heart, Dookie by Green Day. As “lame” as they’ve become lately (which I disagree but won’t get into that), this album will forever be a classic.

Some say Green Day did to grunge what grunge did to hair metal. Coming out with a not nescisarrily new sound, but a quality produced version of what their ancestors had done before them. With only 3 insturments, they managed to mix and re-mix until they got a great full sound. Using simple, yet effective harmonies, it strengthens Billy Joe Armstrongs voice to a new level then heard on previous releases, and makes Mike Dirnt a starting member of my back-up all star band.

Not only was it a musically sound album, but lyrically it dealt with an array of different issues. Key subject matter included anxiety and panic attacks, boredom, sexual orientation, and past loves. Although some of the songs still have the fun, imature attitude, Billy Joe’s lyrical skills can be described as “serious”.

Well all in all you won’t find a better pop punk album, so if you don’t have it, get it.


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