in Top Ten

T3: Believe in the Lemmevution

Today’s top ten is devoted to none other than our founder and dear friend Sean Friedrich Lemme in celebration of his 20th birthday last monday. I’ve collected a handful of comments from Sean’s so called friends, along with some other strange things people have said in the past and put them together in a “balls to the walls” T3 to honor Sean, a true patriot.

Sean allows me to not be ashamed of my love for wookiepedia and he’s just a pretty cool guy. besides the fact he still only likes me for my star wars action figures.
– Nancy

I’ve always liked his ability to come up with or try out new phrases, even the lesser ones like “boned” or “balls to the walls”. I also respect the fact that he has always been the clear academic superior out of “the core”.
– Colin

Say the cookie thing!
– Peter Olund (from some time in Junior High)

I’ve never thanked you for existing either have I Sean… Well not yet.. You Still haven’t quite proved yourself to me.
– Jake (From MySpace, I assume he meant “Proven” instead of “Proved”)

He keeps in touch with the world.
– Paul

Sean lemme is one helluva guy. His loyalty, and sensibility are all vital aspects to his character. He’s fun to rock with, better to laugh with, and the perfect person to have a drink with as you watch the world end
– Peter

Hey it’s Tiffy
– Some guy from Myspace

His courage and wisdom have helped guide me through this ridiculous realm of existence for many moons. From his computer wizardry (helping me with my many technical woes) to his bold teachings, stemming back to his Native American roots, Sean is a funny, clever, well rounded guy that’ll I’ll always be proud to have on my side… At least until things go sour when the world ends in 2012.
– John

You are really fucking hilarious thank you for existing.
– Kristin (MySpace comment)

Sean: a brother, a friend, a hero. My older brother is the most inspirational writer I know, in addition he can always add a witty comment that perfectly complements the situation. He brings a lot, not just in size, to any party. Happy Birthday Sean!
– Kevin

A lot of comments about existing and apocalypse, it just goes to show that our lives just wouldn’t be the same without the Seanster. I think I can speak for everyone when I say we all wish you well on this journey called life, happy birthday.


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